Amish Mystery at Rose Cottage by Samantha Price

Amish Mystery at Rose Cottage by Samantha Price

Author:Samantha Price [Price, Samantha]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Samantha Price

Chapter 12

Ettie and Elsa-May had gone to the Sunday meeting the next morning to find that Nell wasn't there, and John and his family weren't there.

As the sisters walked back into their house after being brought back by Jeremiah and Ava, Elsa-May said, “Nell’s taking this really hard. If only we could make her feel better in some way. She's obviously still very upset about the whole thing.”

“And who wouldn't be? I can't think of much else that could happen that would be worse than a thing like this.”

“Me either.”

A short time later, Ettie was sitting down and resting from their big day at the meeting when she saw Maizie pull up in a buggy. “We’ve got a visitor, Elsa-May.” She opened the door and waited for her. “Maizie, this is a surprise. Come inside.”

“I'm troubled about something, Ettie. I didn’t want to mention it to you at the meeting.”

“Who is it?” Elsa-May called out from the kitchen.

“It's Maizie,” Ettie yelled back.

Elsa-May came out of the kitchen drying her hands on a cloth. “Maizie, what's the matter? You look dreadful.”

“I feel dreadful.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I hate to say what I'm thinking out aloud. But, since you’ve been asking about Jedidiah and I know you’re trying to put the pieces together, I thought I should tell you what I think about how he died.”

“Wait until I make the tea, then,” Elsa-May said. “You will stay for some, won’t you?”

“I will. I don’t even want to speak the words I’ve come to say.”

“Practice saying it in your head before you say it out loud,” Elsa-May said. “I’ve got a pot of hot tea almost ready. Ettie and I were just about to have some.”

They followed Elsa-May into the kitchen and then the three of them sat around the small circular table. Ettie leaned over and poured the tea for the three of them.

“Sugar or milk?”

“Just a little milk,” Maizie said, and Ettie pushed the milk jug toward her. She poured a little into her cup and stirred it. “There. That's fine.”

Maizie slowly took a sip of tea and then carefully replaced the cup onto the saucer. “Lovely, denke.”

“Now, what's this dreadful thing you have to tell us?” Elsa-May asked.

Maizie swallowed hard. “I figured out what happened.”

“What happened to Jedidiah?”

“Jah. I know who might have killed him and I hope I’m wrong.”

“Who did it?” Ettie asked.

“I hate to say it, but I think it might've been Abraham. I couldn’t tell my husband something like that about his bruder, and I couldn’t tell Nell, but it makes sense.”

Elsa-May drew back quickly. “Abraham?”

Maizie nodded. “It makes sense,” she repeated. “He never allowed anybody to do any digging around the house or the rose garden. Nell told me that herself. You see, if anyone had been helping Abraham repair the place, they would’ve stepped on the body in the rose garden because I heard that Jedidiah wasn't buried that far down. Do you see what I mean?”

“Maybe Abraham just liked his roses,” Ettie said, hoping that was the reason.


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